Your sales team are converting, but they are doing it eventually. Your sales cycle is in low gear and turning slowly. This is caused by the fact that your customer want’s your product, but they just don’t want it right now. They see the dragon (their problem), but it’s pretty far away.

How do we solve this tricky problem?

Your sales team’s job is simple here – they have to make that dragon a whole lot more threatening or in simpler terms, let that problem hit closer to home.

Best way to do this is by starting every sales meeting with a question. That question we happily reveal in our (completely) free eBook “How to Sell Using Story”, which is the grander answer to this annoying sales problem you are facing.

We have to learn how to sell using story or what we like to call StorySelling. A term coined by professional speaker and sales expert Rich Mulholland.

We wish we could give you a button you could click that puts all the info you need on StorySelling into our brain instantly, but we can’t… yet… (just double checked with Elon).

But we are happy to give you a free eBook outlining the absolute fundamentals of StorySelling, including why telling (and selling) your story is a terrible mistake… Give that a download won’t you!