This last one is the real head-scratcher. Your top salespeople (often the owner of the business or a select few others) are able to sell with no problem at all, yet the rest of the sales team seems to struggle. This happens when your top people intuitively know what questions to ask but have failed to codify their unfair advantage into a sales narrative used by your entire sales team. You have a sales deck, but it’s just show-up-and-throw-up features and benefits.

Sales is jiu jitsu, it’s not a once way street. Conversational presenting is the critical skill that’s needed, and understanding the story arc you need to take is everything.

How do we solve this tricky problem?

Give your sales team the remarkable skill of conversational presenting and the unstoppable ability of selling using story.

We have to learn how to sell using story or what we like to call StorySelling. A term coined by professional speaker and sales expert Rich Mulholland.

We wish we could give you a button you could click that puts all the info you need on StorySelling into our brain instantly, but we can’t… yet… (just double checked with Elon).

But we are happy to give you a free eBook outlining the absolute fundamentals of StorySelling, including why telling (and selling) your story is a terrible mistake… Give that a download won’t you!