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The moment has arrived people! Part two of the Atomic Talk How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie is here!!!

Part one helped you make some friends, now part two can help you influence them. Exciting stuff.

Imagine the ability to effortlessly steer conversations, inspire action, and leave an indelible mark on everyone you encounter. Part Two is all about unlocking the secrets of influence – a skill that transcends mere popularity and propels you into the realm of leadership.

As Carnegie aptly put it,

The only way on earth to influence other people is to talk about what they want and show them how to get it.”

In this upcoming talk, we’ll focus on three things you need to implement to immediately improve you ability to influence others. 

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Get ready to up your game in just 15 minutes!

We’ve condensed Dale Carnegie’s game-changing tips into a quick talk for you and your team.

No need to wait – we’ve got a free coaching video and slides ready for you right now. No excuses!

Free coaching video and slide deck here!!!