In the world today…

Like the Kardashians, it could all be fake! It’s becoming ridiculously difficult to tell if what you’re seeing on your screen is real or robot generated. All thanks to your friendly neighborhood AI, but what does this imply?

Public speaking is the last available bastion of high authority and trust.

The one place you cannot fake is when you are standing on a stage, under the high-watt follow spots, in front of a sea of judgy eyeballs.

As of writing this, you can’t make an AI go on a stage a do a presentation or keynote for you.

You, flesh and blood, with a stomach full of butterflies have to walk on that stage and communicate what is going on in your brain. If you want to establish yourself as a relevant and trusted voice in this day and age (and you do), the stage is where you need to show up.

Here’s one example of an amazing human being doing just that. An amazing human being (with a better beard than yours) who worked alongside Rich and the team in our Story-to-Stage speaker program to craft and masterfully deliver a killer keynote.

Just check out this interview with the man himself, who is our inaugural speaker for the Story-To-Stage Speaker Showcase:

Ross is crushing it on a global level. His ability to effectively move a crowd into action has future-proofed him and made him more relevant than ever. Check out his speaker reel:

You probably want to get in contact with Ross right? Even if it is just for beard tips, you MUST contact this man!

If this is a desire bubbling up within you then why not make it a reality? Otherwise you’ll be cashing in that cheque of regret when the time comes.

Missing Links story to stage - the stage awaits. Book a free discovery call with Rich Mulholland